TD (60 – 1300T)


Legendary Performance

  • Shibaura Machine TD Series offers five-point twin toggle clamping mechanism, robust injection unit, closed loop servo hydraulics and user friendly Vcon control system
  • TD Series is well known for its trouble free clamping, low dry cycle times, modularity concept, energy efficient servo hydraulics resulting in low maintenance and operating costs
  • TD Series is versatile and serves to process wide range of application including automotive, electrical, medical, packaging, writing instruments and household to name a few

TD Series offers rugged and proven five-point, twin toggle clamping mechanism with stroke amplification for faster cycling

  • Computer optimized kinematics of toggle mechanism re-produces high precise control over acceleration and deceleration profiles of moving platen movement
  • Precise control over mold sensing force by kinematic of toggle combined with optimized regeneration circuit
  • Additional reserve locking force helps avoid mold breathing
  • Less foot print due to optimum use of stroke amplification
  • Graphite impregnated bushes for toggles ensuring efficient lubrication and low maintenance
  • Automated centralized lubrication system for toggles
  • Anti-friction roller bearings for moving platen
  • Motorized mold height adjustment through optimized gear mechanism
  • Mechanical drop bar is given for additional safety

Special features for 550 T and above

  • Moving platen supported on the machine bed by sliding skates
  • Centralized lubrication for all points with controlled flow for optimal lubricant utilization
  • Electrically operated front safety door
  • Sliding door on clamping side for easy maintenance and service

TD Series comes with robust construction of injection unit with higher injection power suitable for thin wall applications and also helps in molding highly viscous resin.

  • Modular selection of injection unit
  • Injection unit movement on anti-friction bushes
  • Well-supported barrel assembly for easy alignment
  • Torque free adjustable nozzle sealing force
  • Hopper throat temperature control
  • Larger cooling water channels to minimize effect of scale formation
  • High kneading DBG profile screw –produces excellent melt homogeneity with low shear heat
  • Choice of many screw profile with different type of screw tip to select based on application segments

Note: Special features for 550 T and above

  • Powered Injection unit swivelling with interlocks for easy screw change
  • Movement of IU on LM rails for faster injection
  • Centralized lubrication for all points with controlled flow for optimal lubricant utilization

TD Series is known for lower power consumption through fine – tuned hydraulic circuits and dynamic servo mechanisms

  • Optimized drive parameters for dynamic response and long life
  • Reliable combination of servo-motor , pump & drive
  • High response cartridge logic elements in hydraulic circuit to minimize pressure drop and hence energy loss
  • High pressure filter with automatic monitoring of clogging with advance warning and stoppage
  • Backlash free coupling for efficient transmission of power
  • Pressure and speed stability leading to consistent performance
  • Optimized P-Q characteristics (Combined efficiency of pump and servo motor)
  • Higher power saving compared to conventional servo motor based machines

Option of Servo system / induction motor with SYDFEE pump are available

  • Servo Hydraulics : For longer idle time in operations
  • SYDFEE Hydraulics: For shorter idle time in operations

Vcon Control System

TD Series is offered with highly advanced all new controller with a host of new features

Highlights of Vcon Controller

  • Compact in size but with a large 12* touch screen
  • Graphical representation of Injection and Dosing profile
  • 5 stage, mold open and close speeds
  • Networking of machines
  • Wireless connectivity for networking
  • 2 USB ports used for mold data and software changes
  • 300 NO’s of mold data storage in memory
  • Ejection retraction (2-position) setting for multiple ejection
  • PID Auto tuning temperature control
  • Flexible Temperature shift program

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