We would like to introduce our SHIBAURA MACHINE (THAILAND) CO., LTD. Service System for Die casting machine by the followings :

  ➀ Composition of engineering service staff

         – Japanese 1 person, Thai 12 persons  à Total  13  persons

  ➁ Regular Working time              

         – Regular working time is 8:30 a.m.~17:30 p.m. on Monday to Friday and 4th Saturday.

           (12:00~13:00 is lunch time)

         – Saturday, Sunday and National holiday are our holidays. (On Saturday and National holiday

   1 engineer usually standby for providing our service) (*1)

           (*1) Service on holidays is available upon customer’s request. 

           (*2) In case of emergency case, your directly contact our engineers is available 24 hrs. at their mobile phone. (Japanese staff 1person and Thai staff 1persons)

  ➂ Start up service for new machine and secondhand machine

  – The start up service for new machine which purchased from SMT is free of charge.

  – The start up service for secondhand machine, the registration is required to provide the 

    start up service after investigating of machine condition. The registration fee and

    service charge will be calculated according to machine size.


  ➃ Relocation service (Handling with charge)

         – The relocation service shall be requested by our registered customers at their area or 

           between other registered customer’s area, only relocation service is subject to be charged.

         – For non registered customer’s request, the relocation service is subject to be charged with 

           registration fee.

  ➄ Modification service (Handling with charge)

         – The modification service upon customer’s request shall be provided with consulting as  

           possible as we can support.

  ➅ Machine Inspection service (Handling with charge)

        – Maintenance (Contract on customer’s agreement is available)

        – Inspection will check the outside, check oil, check motion and check lubrication

➆ Parts service

        –  Quotation inquiry.

        –  Purchase order and delivery everywhere all over the country.

      SMT currently continues improving our engineering service to meet your requirements and fulfill

      your satisfaction.  For further information, please feel free to contact us at any time.


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